Monday, February 18, 2008

Group Sweat @ 6:30pm EST

Group Sweat @ 6:30pm EST. Kevin will be playing and I'm really looking forward to it. I recently deposited an extra $1k (br = $3400) and plan to head back to $100 nl he sh soon. I have gotten my confidence back since joining this poker group and being mentor by Jason. I was originally playing $100 nl he sh as my regular game before taking an indefinite break (turn out to be only 2 months) back in August, 2007.

I redposited and played @ $25 and $50 nl he to regain my confidence. After playing 15k hands at each level, I feel I am ready for $100 again. I had beaten $100 nl he sh over about 40-50k hands but I'm sure it has change a little since I've played it. I haven't played that level since August and I'm sure it's more aggressive. I plan to table select well and mainly just 4 table to pick up better reads.

I hope to make $100 nl he sh my regular game and pad the bankroll for my next shot at $200 nl he sh. I don't know how long it will take me, hopefully within 2-3 months because I don't play too many hands. I want to have at least a 30-40 buyin bankroll so that I can at least withstand a 10 buyin downswing and still have a nice bankroll for $100 nl he sh to rebuild.

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